Say YES to the Injector

The cosmetic injection industry has rapidly increased over the last couple years despite the pandemic. With the rapid rise we have also seen a dramatic increase in the number of injectors and professionals providing these services. Despite the popularity, the cosmetic injection industry in Alberta remains poorly regulated in terms of training and standards. Unfortunately not all injectors are created equally and we are seeing consumers choose their injector based on price resulting in an increase in complications and dissatisfaction in cosmetic procedures.

In the end I hope you will choose Aesthology Beauty Clinic to be your injector of choice.

If you are still deciding if we are the right injector for you I have created these 9 questions you should ask your injector before you say “yes” to the injector:

What is your training and education?

The only prerequisite in becoming an injector is being a licensed LPN, RN, NP, PA, MD, dentist or pharmacist. There is no previous experience required and there is no standardized program to certify injectors, these are typically a 1 or 2 day course. If your injector is an LPN or RN they must have a medical director who you should meet prior to your injections. Your ideal injector should be actively participating in ongoing education, whether this is master classes, advanced training or cadaver labs. You want your injector to be passionate about continually improving their knowledge and techniques to provide their clients consistent, improved results.

How long have you been injecting and how many patients do you inject in a week?

With any skill repetition is crucial. Consistent injecting with high patient volume grows these skills, allowing for improved results. Every face is slightly different and we cannot become competent if we are only injecting very part time. It takes a substantial (years) to really understand the anatomy and movement of the face but also to understand the products and only time and experience will provide this. Cosmetic injections is an art and art does not happen overnight.

What is your experience with complications and how do you manage these?

If an injector tells you that injectables are completely safe and there are no risks… RUN, run fast and don’t look back. This is also true if an injector tells you they have never had an adverse outcome- this means they have not injected long enough. This also goes for filler migration. Even the best injectors can have less than ideal results, but it is how they manage these that makes them great injectors. There is no such thing as safe injections, there are only safer injections. You as the client need to be aware of these complications and how to recognize them. It is then your injectors responsibility to be available if these occur and how they are going to manage them. This includes having an emergency kit. If there is any hesitation, what do you do? That’s right, RUN.

What is your practice for follow up and touch ups?

Your satisfaction should be your injectors main priority. This is why you need to have a full face assessment, allowing for realistic expectations to be set to avoid dissatisfaction. Follow up appointments should be common practice especially with first time clients and dermal filler treatments. Some touch ups may be complimentary, others there may be a charge that you should be aware of.

What does the consultation include?

A skilled injector will listen to your concerns, where you are pointing but will then take a step back to look at your facial structures, skin, muscle strength and movement and then give you a full faced approach to achieve realistic results. If you point at a line on your face and say to your injector “I need filler here” and they do that- run. Typically that line is a result of a bigger area of weakness and by just filling that line you are making a band aid solution that will leave your face over filled and puffy. At the consultation there should be a discussion of what to expect during the procedure including pain, preparation and what to expect afterwards including bruising, swelling, lumps and onset of results.

Do you have any before and after pictures (without filters)?

Every injector has their own approach and style, after all it is an art. Injectors should have a portfolio of before and after to give you an example of their work, results and you can decide if it might be a good fit. There are some injectors who practice with a more natural look and others that go for a more obvious approach. Whichever is your preference make sure your injectors work supports that.

What products do you use and why?

There are many different products that are on the market. Your injector should explain to you why they are choosing a specific product for you. Also ensure these products are Health Canada approved and are actually what you are paying for. There are many unregulated products available, which is why when you see Botox for $5-7 a unit and fillers for $350 per syringe you should be questioning the products being used. Botox/Dysport and fillers are expensive to purchase from the manufacturer and selling at these prices leaves little to no profit. The product quality and amount should be questioned- are you actually getting on unit of Botox or are they charging you more units to make up the difference.

Does your injector know and use the word NO?

The injector for you should be able to tell you no. Whether it is no this is not a realistic expectation, what you are hoping for will only be achieved with surgery. No, one syringe will not be enough to do your full face. No, your friend did not only get 10 units into her frown lines and it lasted 8 months. No, I will not do the Russian lip technique and inject 2 syringes in your lips at one sitting. No, I don't think my injecting practice aligns with your requests. It is okay for an injector to say no to you and it is okay if you say no to an injector.

What does their face look like?

When you look at your injectors face are you admiring it or are your cringing and hoping your face does not look like that. If it is the ladder they are probably not the injector for you.

Picking an injector in a sea full of injectors can be overwhelming. Which is why I recommend you book a consultation and start by asking these 9 questions. If the answers make you feel empowered, educated and excited then say “yes” to the injector. If you leave the consultation with a feeling of uncertainty maybe they are not they injector for you and find someone who is- because they are out there.

At Aesthology we offer complimentary consultations where we take the time to offer full face assessments, treatment plans and time to ask us questions. You get our personal numbers where you can ask us questions, follow up, text pictures or should a complication occur you can call us and not get a voicemail returning your call on Monday.

We hope to see you in the clinic soon!